Two research positions in Artificial Intelligence and temporal data at Fondazione Bruno Kessle

Deadline: Jan. 27, 2023, 11 p.m.
Brain 1 for CN_0

Fondazione Bruno Kessler is looking for two research positions in Artificial Intelligence and temporal data in line with theme of the PNRR project FAIR - Future AI Research, spoke 2

The two positions concern more specifically the development of novel techniques for explainable recommendations in temporal settings and integrative AI for predicting with temporal knowledge and will be carried out mainly within the Process & Data Intelligence research group (

Details of the two positions can be found at the following two web pages respectively:

Applications are invited until January 27th, 2023, following the instructions available at the web pages listed above.

Please circulate in your professional network and solicit applications from potential candidates with the required expertise and/or contact me (Chiara Ghidini) at [email protected] for further details or informal enquiries.

Categories: PostDoc,