Fully funded Postdoc in Systems Neuroscience at University of Copenhagen

Deadline: Oct. 1, 2022, 11 p.m.

We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow for a project addressing the generation and functions of theta oscillations in spatial navigation using systems neuroscience and population-level approaches. The research will take place at the Department of Neuroscience (https://in.ku.dk/) at University of Copenhagen in the lab of Dr. Peter C. Petersen (https://petersenlab.org/).

The project involves performing electrophysiological recordings from freely moving animals using chronically implanted high-density Neuropixels silicon probes, applying optogenetics for single cell tagging, and behavioral manipulations.

Application deadline: October 1, 2022.

Our research
Our lab was founded in 2022, with the goal to understand the neuronal mechanisms involved in memory and cognition and how imbalances in the circuits can lead to pathological conditions. In particular, we study spatial memory, and theta oscillations in behaving rats, and how the distributed populations of neurons across the distributed brain circuits central to memory, are coordinating their dynamics to generate complex cognitive functions in awake rodents.

We are using state-of-the-art methods for measuring and manipulating the neuronal activity at large-scale and high specificity, together with advanced data analysis. This includes using Neuropixels and other high-density silicon probes, applying optogenetics, thermal and other perturbation techniques, dimensionality reduction, and other advanced population-analysis methods.

Learn more about the position and the application process here: https://employment.ku.dk/faculty/?show=157309

Categories: PostDoc,