07 PhD Positions in Computer Science: Machine Learning and Data Science, Cloud Computing and Networked Systems, Cybersecurity and Privacy


The University of Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P) School of Computer Science (UM6P-CS) is seeking talented students with a very strong background in Computer Science and Mathematics and excellent skills in algorithms and programming. Seven (7) Ph.D. positions (with substantial scholarships) are opened starting from October 2022 in the research areas of UM6P-CS, covering a large spectrum of topics, including Machine Learning, Data Science, Cloud Computing, Networked Systems, Distributed systems, Cybersecurity, and Privacy, Cyberphysical systems, etc. The positions are for 4 years. In the first year, students will enhance their scientific competencies through a series of advanced courses they must validate, and they will also receive research training through an internship at the laboratory of UM6P-CS that will allow them to undertake their thesis work on a solid background.


The candidates must have an engineering degree or a master's degree, and they must provide the full transcripts (grades and ranks) for all their high education years (bachelor/master's and/or engineering school).

Please use the following link to submit your application, and also send your file by email to [email protected]

Categories: PhD,