Postdoc and assistant professor positions in AI/ML at Politecnico di Milano


Are you interested in working on cutting-edge research in the field of artificial intelligence? If so, you may want to consider applying for one of the many available postdoc and assistant professor positions. These positions are based at Politecnico di Milano (PoliMi), one of Europe's leading research technical universities, and are funded by the FAIR project of the Italian Recovery Plan (PNRR).

The available positions are focused on learning theory, federated learning, and edge AI. Successful candidates will have the opportunity to work with some of the top researchers in the field, including Nicola Gatti and Nicolo Cesa-Bianchi.

The starting date for these positions is early 2023, and the duration is one year (with the potential for extension) for postdocs and three years for assistant professors. This is a great opportunity for those who want to advance their academic careers, gain valuable research experience, and be part of a vibrant academic community.

In addition to the opportunity to work with world-class researchers, there are many benefits to these positions. Successful candidates will have access to state-of-the-art research facilities, as well as the chance to collaborate with other researchers and attend conferences and workshops.

There are multiple levels of study available, including postdoc and assistant professor positions. Postdocs are expected to have a PhD in a relevant field, while assistant professors should have a PhD and some experience in teaching and research.

Financial support is available for successful candidates. Postdocs will receive a competitive salary and assistance with relocation expenses, while assistant professors will receive a salary commensurate with their experience and the opportunity to apply for additional research grants.

Eligibility requirements vary depending on the specific position, but all candidates must have a PhD in a relevant field and a strong research track record. Successful candidates will also need to demonstrate a strong commitment to teaching and research.

To apply for one of these positions, interested candidates should send their CV and cover letter to [email protected] and [email protected]. Candidates should also include any relevant publications, research experience, and teaching experience.

In summary, these postdoc and assistant professor positions offer a unique opportunity to work with some of the top researchers in the field of artificial intelligence, gain valuable research experience, and be part of a vibrant academic community. If you meet the eligibility requirements and are interested in applying, be sure to submit your application as soon as possible.

Categories: Jobs, PostDoc,